martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

Hello from Honduras

Hello fellow students, friends, and family!
We are broadcasting from our hotel in Honduras. Seeing how it's a balmy 90+ here we are enjoying the porch and three hammocks over looking beautiful Lake Yojoa. Everyone has safely arrived here including Dr. Regena Spratling (she graduated on Saturday) and Dr. Britt Boyd, MD. (The physician from River of the World).

We are currently uploading pictures to shutterfly and I'm sure your nursing student will let you take a look at them at the end of the week.

Yesterday we traveled to two different villages and did a well baby/child day. All the children we weighed, measured and then the information was plotted on the CDC's world growth chart to see if the children fell within the normal limits. Most fell near the bottom in both height and weight but were usually within normal ranges for BMI. One of the saddest things was that most of the children had horrible oral hygiene, and this might be due to the lack of calcium in the diet. Most had visible tooth decay if they hadn't already lost teeth (baby or permanent).

Today we were at a village further up a mountain instead of right on the lake. We did a full clinic with both adults and children. Most people complained of ear nose & throat problems, respiratory issues, GI distress, headaches, pain, and skin issues. We had many different stations to make things run smoothly: intake, triage, doctor, and pharmacy. We also are handing out eye glasses and toys for the children. We arrived at the village and set up at the school around 9am and we were done at 12pm. In total we saw about 75 people. So it was a busy day!

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